Further information
For more information, consult the following articles on the RSPCA Knowledgebase:
- What are the Five Domains of Animal Welfare?
- What is animal sentience and why is it important?
- What is good animal welfare?
- What are the potential animal welfare issues associated with assistance animals?
- What is an assistance animal?
- What is reward-based dog training and why does the RSPCA support it?
- What can I do if I am having difficulty finding a pet-friendly rental?
- RSPCA Policy A05 Euthanasia of companion animals
- What are the penalties for animal cruelty offences?
- What is the Australian legislation governing animal welfare?
- How can our animal welfare laws be improved?
- How are RSPCA Inspectors accountable under law?
- Who do I contact to report an animal welfare issue with domesticated horses?
- Who do I contact to report an animal welfare issue with farm animals?
- RSPCA Policy GP5 Human and animal welfare
- How do I communicate with my dog?
- What does my cat’s body language mean?
- Should I hug my dog or cat?
- Is there a link between domestic violence and animal abuse?
- What is the RSPCA’s view on petting zoos and other types of animal encounters?
- What is the RSPCA’s view on performing animals?
- What are the animal welfare issues with Thoroughbred horse racing?
- What is the RSPCA’s view on whips in Thoroughbred racing?
- What are the animal welfare issues with greyhound racing?
- What is the RSPCA’s view on pigeon racing?
- What are the animal welfare issues with rodeos?
- What are the welfare risks of animal tourist attractions and selfies with animals?
- What are the animal welfare issues with chick hatching in schools?
- RSPCA Policy GP1 Good animal welfare
- What does my dog’s body language mean?
- What are the key things I should understand about horse behaviour?
- How do I communicate with my dog?
- What are the welfare concerns associated with the use of bits and tie-downs in riding horses?
- What is a restrictive noseband and how does it harm horses?
- Should I stable my horse?
- RSPCA Knowledgebase: Humane Control Methods
Further reading
- Howell T et al. Defining Terms Used for Animals Working in Support Roles for People with Support Needs. Animals 2022, 12(15), 1975.
- Stonebridge M, Evans D, Kotzmann J. Sentience Matters: Analysing the Regulation of Calf-Roping in Australian Rodeos. Animals 2022, 12(9), 1071.
- Dixon S, Evans D, Vindevoghel T, Ward M, Quain A. Behaviours Expressed by Rodeo Calves during Different Phases of Roping. Animals 2023, 13(3), 343.
- Rizzuto S, Evans D, Wilson B, McGreevy P. Exploring the Use of a Qualitative Behavioural Assessment Approach to Assess Emotional State of Calves in Rodeos. Animals 2020, 10(1), 113.
- Ledger R, Mellor D. Forensic Use of the Five Domains Model for Assessing Suffering in Cases of Animal Cruelty. Animals 2018, 8(7), 101.
- Paterson R, Boller E, Kim Y, Hammond K, Diemer K. What can veterinary professionals do? Measuring the effect of one domestic violence training pilot program on veterinary professionals' capacity to recognize, respond, and refer human victims of domestic violence. Front. Vet. Sci. 2024, 11.
- RSPCA Research Report - The Welfare of Dolphins in Captivity (PDF)
- RSPCA Information Paper - The Use of Whips in Thoroughbred Racing (PDF)
Links to other resources
- La Trobe University: Animal Assisted Therapy for Healthcare Professionals (Course)
- About the new Aged Care Act - Australian Government
- Sophie's Legacy
- Beyond Blue
- Lifeline