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Abstract - Driscoll

What about the Equine in Equine-Assisted Services?

Australia has seen a rapid growth in animal-assisted services, whereby animals are included in health, education, and human services for the purpose of therapeutic gains. Animal-assisted therapies, education, and activities seek to provide a range of benefits, in physical and mental health, in addition to behavioural change and quality of life. These services are being provided by a very wide variety of professionals, with very diverse training and expertise. And they are involving a broad range of different animal species.

It is imperative in this complex and relatively young industry that the interests and welfare of the animals involved in such interventions are considered and prioritised. In this regard, the audience will be introduced to the 2023 ethical and conduct standards of Animal Therapies Ltd., which build upon the earlier standards published by the University of Queensland’s Animal-Assisted Interventions Research Alliance. The standards detail best-practice requirements for all persons engaged in the sector and have been designed to promote safe and ethical practice, including protection of the animals’ welfare. This presentation will emphasise the minimum conditions for several species with a focus on horses, and also introduce some new research initiatives in equine welfare within animal-assisted services. with understanding each other, a little compromise and of course love and compassion.

Associate Professor Carlie Driscoll
Head of Audiology, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
The University of Queensland