Abstract - Quain
Dying well. Is there scope to improve the welfare of companion dogs and cats during euthanasia appointments?
The majority of companion animals registered with veterinary practices are ultimately euthanased by veterinarians. Being able to perform euthanasia humanely is a Day One Competency of veterinary graduates. Like all veterinary interventions, euthanasia techniques impact the welfare of animals. Though most dogs and cats in Australia are euthanased using barbiturates, there is wide variation in euthanasia practices, including the use of pre-euthanasia medication or sedation.
This session provides a brief discussion on the evolution of expectations around euthanasia and euthanasia technique. It provides an overview of current practices employed by Australian veterinarians when euthanasing dogs and cats based on surveys. Based on this data, it provides some recommendations aimed at improving the welfare of dogs and cats during the euthanasia consultation.
Anne Quain
Senior Lecturer
Sydney School of Veterinary Science