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Relevant published research articles from RSPCA authors

RSPCA authors in bold and where the article is free access, the link is provided.

Alberthsen C, Rand J, Bennett P, Paterson M, Lawrie M, Morton J (2013) Cat admissions to RSPCA shelters in Queensland, Australia: description of cats and risk factors for euthanasia after entry. Australian Veterinary Journal 91: 35-42. 

Alberthsen C, Rand J, Morton J, Bennett P, Paterson M, Vankan D (2016) Numbers and Characteristics of Cats Admitted to Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) Shelters in Australia and Reasons for Surrender. Animals 6(3): 23.

Beausoleil NJ, Mellor DJ, Baker L, Baker SE, Bellio M, Clarke AS, Dale A, Garlick S, Jones B, Harvey A, Pitcher9 BJ, Sherwen S, Stockin KA, Zito S (2018) “Feelings and Fitness” Not “Feelings or Fitness”–The Raison d'être of Conservation Welfare, Which Aligns Conservation and Animal Welfare Objectives.. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 5: 296.

Bruce SJ, Zito S, Gates MC, Aguilar G, Walker JK, Goldwater N, Dale A (2019) Predation and Risk Behaviors of Free-Roaming Owned Cats in Auckland, New Zealand via the Use of Animal-Borne Cameras. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 6:205. 

Carter, J., Paterson MBA, Morton JM and Gelves-Gomez , F, (2020), Beliefs and Attitudes of Residents in Queensland, Australia, about Managing Dog and Cat Impacts on Native Wildlife, Animals 10: 1637. 

Elliott R, Snowdon J, Halliday G, Hunt GE, Coleman S (2019) Characteristics of animal hoarding cases referred to the RSPCA in New South Wales, Australia. Australian Veterinary Journal 97(5): 149-156.

Hampton JO, Jones B, McGreevy PD (2020). Social license and animal welfare: Developments from the past decade in Australia. Animals 10(12). 

Gates MC, Mancera K, Dale A, Zito S (2019) Preliminary analysis of post-adoption outcomes for kittens and adult cats rehomed through a New Zealand animal shelter. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 68(1):1-21. 

Gates MC, Walker J, Zito S, Dale A (2019) A survey of opinions towards dog and cat management policy issues in New Zealand. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 67(315):1-20. 

Kerr CA, Rand J, Morton JM, Reid R, Paterson M (2018) Changes Associated with Improved Outcomes for Cats Entering RSPCA Queensland Shelters from 2011 to 2016. Animals 8: 95.

Lancaster E, Rand J, Collecott S, Paterson M (2015) Problems Associated with the Microchip Data of Stray Dogs and Cats Entering RSPCA Queensland Shelters Animals 5(2):332-348.

Liu S, Paterson M, Camarri S, Murray L, Phillips CJC (2020) The effects of the frequency and method of gentling on the behavior of cats in shelters, Journal of Veterinary Behavior 39: 47-56,

McLeod LJ, Evans D, Jones B, Paterson M, Zito S (2020) Understanding the Relationship between Intention and Cat Containment Behaviour: A Case Study of Kitten and Cat Adopters from RSPCA Queensland. Animals 10(7): 1214..

Orr B, Jones B (2019) A Survey of Veterinarian Attitudes Toward Prepubertal Desexing of Dogs and Cats in the Australian Capital Territory. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 6: 272.

Paterson, MBA, O’Donoghue, M, Jamieson, P and Morton, JM, (2020) The Cat Desexing Policies and Activities of Private Veterinary Practices in Queensland, Animals, 10(5): 841.

Paterson, MBA, Jamieson, P (2021) Sterilizing Pregnant Companion Animals: Ethics and Law Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research, (accepted).

Zito S, Vankan D, Bennett P, Paterson M, Phillips CJC (2015) Cat Ownership Perception and Caretaking Explored in an Internet Survey of People Associated with Cats. PLoS ONE 10(7):e0133293.

Zito S, Paterson M, Vankan D, Morton J, Bennett P, Phillips C (2015) Determinants of Cat Choice and Outcomes for Adult Cats and Kittens Adopted from an Australian Animal Shelter.  Animals 5(2):276-314.

Zito S, Morton J, Vankan D, Paterson M, Bennett PC, Rand J,  Phillips CJC (2016) Reasons People Surrender Unowned and Owned Cats to Australian Animal Shelters and Barriers to Assuming Ownership of Unowned Cats. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 19(3):1-17. 

Zito S, Morton J, Paterson M, Vankan D, Bennett PC, Rand J,  Phillips CJC (2016) Cross-Sectional Study of Characteristics of Owners and Nonowners Surrendering Cats to Four Australian Animal Shelters. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 19(2):1-18. 

Zito S, Aguilar G, Vigeant S, Dale A (2018) Assessment of a Targeted Trap-Neuter-Return Pilot Study in Auckland, New Zealand. Animals 8(5):73.

Zito S, Walker J, Gates MC, Dale A (2019) A Preliminary Description of Companion Cat, Managed Stray Cat, and Unmanaged Stray Cat Welfare in Auckland, New Zealand Using a 5-Component Assessment Scale. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 6:40.